Tag Archives: type

Interesing V-Day cards

Valentine’s day is coming (yuck!) as soon as you can say nextWeek, so what would yo do? would you buy one of those cheesy cards with infinite hearts, naked angeles showing off their bottoms, and all of them carefully tainted in red?

No? then you can be my friend 🙂 so let’s see some interesting designer V-cards that forbide all those things we hate and use typography in a smart way:

Interesting, isn’t it? See more here:

If Fonts were people…

Fonts would probably beheave in the same manner as us, they would laught, go to school, work, eat, drink, get parking tickets and sure… make conferences!

Font Conference

This video wasn’t long enough, so we made it double-spaced.

And they, just like us, would  form street gangs and battle each other!

Font Fight

It’s an all-out typeface-off sequel to Font Conference.